Earth Girls Empowerment Camp 2015 What’s Important



We need it all.  It feeds us.  It’s good for us.  We love it.

I ask a group of girls, “what’s important to you?” and they take turns sharing, respectfully one at a time, not just calling out.  They say, “listening,” or “caring” and “courage” or “style” but of all things, what they really light up about is, “Life!”  One girl said life and then another and another!  “Life!” they cheer in reousnding agreement.  This is what is important to us.

Then they do a meditation, write in their journals and come back together.  I ask, “what else?” and they add, “hope,” “dreams,” “comfort” and “desire.”

I’m blown away by the beauty of young girls given the opportunity to be honored and held in a space that’s about them.  They take it in easily knowing this kind of place in society and culture is rare.  And it’s needed.

Journaling, walking, exercise, looking at snails, braving the elements- whether its the hottest day of the season or raining in June.  Games, art projects, friendship bracelets, play practice and more.

On my way home today, I thought to myself about my intention.  My intention is to hold girls so they feel special with the knowing that I have their best interests at heart.  I feel it personally and for girls at large.  I think they must say it by their genuine kindness.  They are vulnerable the way we are all vulnerable going into a new group. And they are brave to open to a new group and new experiences that are meant to invite personal growth and transformation.  Like the many petaled lotus flower, theycarry so much potential within and I see so many unique qualities.

In walking and talking, in leading by example, in bursting with enthusiasm, there are so many ways that the strong character of a young person is expressed.  I feel really lucky to be able to recognize positive qualities in a child in the process of blooming.  If only children were flowers- I’d be tempted to pick every one!  But each is so beautiful I’m sure I’d also want to do everything in my power to help them grow to their fullest.

There is so much I want to share about Girls Camp, so much we’ve done, so many precious moments.  I’ll be back to share more about the unfolding.  #reallyproud #thankful #girlsrule #Ilovelife #life

Bullshit Savings Time

I apologize for sounding vulgar in the title of my post but if I don’t rant at least a little bit about the time change, then, well, I’ll be mostly the only one hearing my annoyances.  No matter what, this change of the clocks is rediculous. I hear many people say how much they like it and if you’re at work indoors all day, I can sympathize with that need and desire for sunshine and light.

But let’s look at the time change from an earthly, connected perspective.  This is how I feel what happens:  in the fall, Equinox comes and day and night are equal.  Abundance abounds in California as tomatoes and peppers ripen red on the vine.  We harvest, we eat our apples fresh from the trees and at every potluck or dinner party, there is dish after dish made with zucchini.  October rolls around and the sun becomes noticably lower in the sky.  The golden fields glow as evening light settles over land.  Orange pumpkins capture our attention as if pumpkin carving was a long held tradition of Autumn and finally, after costumes and fretting over candy and offerings to the Rubbish fairies, alas, we “fall back” (seemingly regaining the hour that was stolen from us last week; but I don’t think regaining this hour makes up for every hour I’ll lose between now and next fall).

After the clocks are turned back that week following Halloween, then what?  For one, it’s easier to put the children to bed.  Ever notice it’s easier to put yourself to bed too?  The first frost beckons you turn on the oven, bake them potatoes or Butternut Squash, plan for pies and who’s cooking what for the coming holiday.  For the busy American, the full time job and commute becomes more intense- there’s shopping to do and holiday planning and if we don’t have a loved one who is sick, we may be recalling a time when a relative passed away.  Grief and pneumonia visit many in this dark time of year.  Some people get flu shots, others make hot chocolate and still others make tea and soups.  We all have different Autumn traditions and habits.  But generally, we have to fight colds and keep warm.  Some of us go personally inward, become depressed or dive deep into creative projects.

Think about it, the darkest of days come on the first day of winter so that means November through February the nights are the longest and if we’re going to get good rest, this is the time to do it.  If the holidays included rich meals, extra baked goods or sharing bottles of wine, the New Year starts with efforts toward the best intentions, a desire to make improvements and somehow, since the days are shorter, maybe you’re like me and you like going to bed earlier and earlier.  I love sleep more and more as January turns to February.  I embrace my dreamtime, knowing I can store up energy for summer, knowing that in my dreamtime and meditations, I will find inspiration.

Yellow begins bursting from the fields here in California.  Mustard flowers glow from near and far.  The roadsides light up when the clouds break and even on foggy days, the earth glows yellow and gold.  This is the time when I KNOW, Spring is Coming and I love it and I can feel it with every cell of my body.  As the earth awakens, I awaken and I feel as though I am being beckoned from my slumber.  From the pleasures of my layered blankets and the coziness of my shelter, I enter the day, excited, as the sunrise inspires me morning after morning.  I rise early, easily and well rested and I look outside in shock and awe- it’s so pretty!  Light and morning fog, each day, new and different from the last.  I can’t wait to start the day.  I feel like an Earth Baby whose been resting for months, like a little one rubbing my eyes in amazement as Mother Earth says, “Here child, take this color, put on these colors and go be lovely with the rest of the world- life is awakening again- this is the promise of Spring that I told you about when we planted the Tulips.”

Yes, this is how it is for me- an earth baby awakening as if with new eyes, all is new again.  Life is green with miner’s lettuce and chickweed and I want to go out and be in this world- inspired and happy to rise, rise, rise!

Then… I won’t say it.  The title of my post already said it.  Instead I’ll dream, I’ll dream of a day when the world says, “No- let’s not make that agreement.  Let’s not pretend day is longer.  Let’s not assign an alternate hour to the light that we do have.  Let’s just keep in sync with one time and see what happens.  Maybe we’ll like it even better.”

The Quickening of Spring

Here it comes.  The weather has been in the mid seventies these last few days and though the ground is damp in some places from last weeks rain, pots are drying out.  Our snow pack in the Sierra’s is only 17% of the normal, full snow pack.  Culturally, we have yet to know what the implications are or how long this drought will continue.  After a full day outside yesterday, I was quite hot and tired by the end of the day.  I’m also anxious to get all of my garden boxes fully prepped because it just feels like Spring is already here! The Buckeye’s are popping and the cherry plums are in bloom, pink and perfect with that lightly sweet smell that gently perfumes the air as you pass or bring your nose in close to those soft petals.

This is one of my absolute favorite times of year.  In the past, my love for the end of winter extended through March but as “Daylight Savings” has slowly crept its way from the end of April to the beginning of March over the course of these last twenty years, I only have a few short weeks of the winter to savor this time.  This is the time, when going to bed early is easy and rising is even easier.  The beauty of the rising sun pulls me outside into the crisp morning that suggests warmth is well on its way.  The birds sing their chorus and I don’t know who is who but together, no matter who makes up the choir, what I hear is a joy, a calling to all ears to come out and celebrate.  I hear happiness.  How is it that birds sing with joy?  Is it only a projection on my part, or is it really that birds know songs of beauty and happiness?  And they share their song so freely, no discrimination with whom they share.  They don’t need the audience I think, but they call me and I am pleased to witness the sounds that say, “welcome to the day!”

Walking outside, listening, no where to go and nothing to do… walking outside, so much to revere on a garden path; dew drops, piercing bright morning light, through the trees, my eyes squint, my souls drinks and I continue looking at both the places where there is progress of plants on their path toward perfection, and the places of longing where I think I must lend a hand and be open to co-create with what the land calls for.

To me, witnessing beauty is easy.  To be a witness of beauty is to know joy.  To witness beauty is to be filled with beauty.  So, I drink in what their is to see, smell, hear, taste and sense.  I feel the extraordinary of wonders.  In reverence, I think it is all a great miracle.

Whatever it is that you do today, keep your eyes up.  Go away from the phone, the computer, the plug-in’s and look around.  Dig a little or pull a few weeds.  Unearth some spot where an unsuspecting worm or spider or budding flower can capture your attention- if only a few small moments, so that you can bear witness to some simple beauty that is you.

Blessed be.